Donate an item before October 11th

Auction will be open for bidding from October 22 - Nov 2

All funds raised directly accelerate CACNA1A research for treatments and a cure.

Thank you for joining us in supporting the CACNA1A Foundation’s first online auction! This heartfelt, community-driven GLOBAL event has been organized by families of children affected by rare CACNA1A-related disorders. Your generous participation will directly contribute to our mission of discovering targeted treatments and, ultimately, a cure for these lifelong and debilitating conditions. Every dollar raised brings us one step closer to a brighter future for those impacted.

  • The auction opens on Tuesday, October 22nd at 8:00 AM EDT and closes on Saturday, November 2nd at 11:00 PM EDT.

  • The Foundation aims to have at least one treatment for CACNA1A-related disorders in the clinical trial pipeline within the next 3 years. All donations will fund critical research, directly accelerating treatments and a cure for CACNA1A-related disorders.

  • Visit our online auction to view all of the amazing items. If you find something that interests you, click the Bid Now button. (COMING SOON)

  • Yes, Of course! Every donation puts us one step closer to solving CACNA1A-related diseases. Please donate HERE. We are so grateful for your support!

About us: In 2020, a group of dedicated parents connected through social media, united by their determination to find a cure for their children who all struggled with CACNA1A-related disorders, a rare neurodevelopmental genetic disease. Their shared vision led to the creation of the CACNA1A Foundation, a powerful movement driven by passion and hope. Today, this growing community is making remarkable strides to reshape the futures of those affected by mutations on their CACNA1A gene. Our progress is a testament to what can be achieved with unwavering determination, resilience, and a deep well of love.

Significant milestones over the past four years include:

  • Launching a natural history study and collecting vital clinical data to better understand our patient population

  • Building a robust preclinical research portfolio to lay the groundwork for therapeutic developments.

  • Fostering an open science culture, encouraging collaboration, sharing data and resources, and breaking down barriers within the scientific community to accelerate progress toward effective therapies

Yet, much work still needs to be done…and our efforts require significant funding. Your support will drive groundbreaking research, bringing us closer to new treatments for our kids. Together, we can turn hope into change.

Please join us and make a difference in the lives of our children…Every dollar helps. Thank you for your commitment and generosity!

What is CACNA1A? CACNA1A is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder caused by changes in the CACNA1A gene, a calcium ion channel gene highly expressed in the central nervous system and cerebellum. These changes disrupt electrical signals in the brain, leading to various neurological issues, including global developmental delays, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, ataxia (balance and coordination difficulties), hemiplegic migraines (stroke-like episodes that result in coma, brain swelling, and skill regression), speech and language disorders, and eye movement disorders. The estimated incidence rate is 1:11,700 (Lopez-Rivera et al., 2020) and individuals come from every continent.

Learn More: The CACNA1A Foundation is a parent-led, 501(c)(3) nonprofit established in 2020 to improve the lives of individuals affected by this rare neurodevelopmental genetic disease through advancing research, supporting families, and raising awareness. The Foundation’s efforts are focused on accelerating progress toward therapeutic development that will have the greatest impact on the CACNA1A patient community. Our tax ID# is 84-4985747.

Thank you for your interest in supporting the CACNA1A Foundation’s Bid-For-A-Cure fundraising event.

If you have any questions, please email Lynn Tusa at