Research Grant Program
Thank you for your interest in our grant program. We are currently defining areas of focus for the next funding cycle and not funding any new grants at this time. We will announce any new RFAs in 2025.
A pillar of the CACNA1A Foundation’s mission is to support research to find treatments for CACNA1A-related disorders. Currently, there are no CACNA1A-specific treatments available. As our CACNA1A community grows, so does that unmet need. We offer a limited number of seed grants up to $50,000 through RFAs that target 1) basic research to advance our molecular and clinical understanding of disease mechanisms across the spectrum of variants and disorders, and 2) translational research to develop definitive treatments and establish IND-enabling Proof-of-Concept studies to get to clinical trials.
How to Apply
LETTER OF INTENT (LOI) - Prior to submitting a grant application, all applicants are asked to submit a concise, milestone-based LOI (no longer than 2 pages) to science@cacna1a.org. The LOI should clearly and concisely outline:
Specific aims of the project
Rough budget
Impact on the CACNA1A Community
The CACNA1A Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), Board of Directors (BOD), and/or Ad-Hoc Reviewers will quickly review LOIs. After the LOI is reviewed, invitations to submit a full proposal will be extended.
LOIs are accepted on a rolling basis. Full proposals are due in February and August and will be reviewed by our SAB. For further information or any questions, please email our Science Engagement Director, Pangkong Fox - pangkong@cacna1a.org.
Each grant will be funded for a maximum of one year plus one six-month no-cost extension, if needed. We have a board-directed policy that we do not cover indirect costs. Grant applications must address the specific RFA and be milestone-based. Grant payments will be contingent upon the achievement of agreed-upon scientific deliverables and milestones.
Our families are greatly affected by CACNA1A and there are no targeted treatment options for them. YET. We are interested in research that paves the way to clinical trials. Join our team today and change the future for our community!