CACNA1A Community Conversations
Join a Group Meeting - We look forward to seeing you online!
Community Conversations provide opportunities for members of the global CACNA1A community to gather virtually to meet others impacted by a CACNA1A diagnosis, share resources, and learn from one another. These groups provide a safe space to ask questions and share understanding, encouragement, and hope.
Using our Wordly platform, attendees have the ability to translate the conversations into 25+ languages in real-time.
Monthly Zoom Meetup:
For Patients/Parents/Caregivers
Please join us for informal chats on the third Saturday of every month where we can all get to know each other, share experiences, ask questions - There’s nothing better than connecting with others who are on a similar journey!
Join Us:
March 15, 2025 @ 3 pm ET
April 19, 2025 @ 11 am ET
Australia Peer Support Group
We invite all of our families based in Australia to join us every other month to connect with others in our region. This group will be led by our Australia Global Ambassadors Christina Tee and Chris Senaratne.
Join Us: TBD
Newly Diagnosed Group
Next Meeting: Check back for updates
Group Description: Welcome to the CACNA1A family! A diagnosis of CACNA1A can be overwhelming. What does it mean? What lies ahead? Know you are not alone. Our community is here to support and empower you. Join other patients, family members and caregivers who are also on the CACNA1A journey. Together we will support each other, problem-solve, and share resources and coping skills that we find helpful.
About the Facilitator: My name is Sarah and I am passionate about the CACNA1A Foundation! My husband Clinton and I live in Artesia, NM, with our six kids: Peyton, 17; Braxton, 15; Landon, 14; Braylee, 9; Madilynn, 7; and finally, Emarie, who is 3. We joined the CACNA1A family when our baby Emarie was diagnosed with a CACNA1A variant in November 2021. It was a difficult diagnosis for us because Emarie presented as a very healthy, typical 2-year-old until she began having severe episodes with no timeframe, warning or answers as to what was going on. Even after her diagnosis, we had absolutely no clue what CACNA1A meant and neither did any of her doctors. Thankfully, in January 2022, we had a phone consultation with a genetic counselor who broke down what Emarie’s genetic mutation meant and told us to check out cacna1a.org. Our lives have been forever changed after finding this foundation. I simply sent an email to info@cacna1a.org, got a prompt response, and had the opportunity to speak with Lisa. We found a home. We were no longer lost and trying to find answers alone. Now it is my mission to provide that same safe space to other newly diagnosed families.
DEE/Severe Hemiplegic Migraine Group
Next Meeting: April 13, 2025 @ 4 pm ET
Group Description: You are NEVER alone. Join a CACNA1A community conversation group for parents and caregivers of individuals living with Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies (DEEs) and/or Severe Hemiplegic Migraine caused by a CACNA1A variant. We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to engage with others in a safe and supportive environment.
DEEs represent a group of devastating epileptic disorders that appear early in life. They are characterized by drug-resistant generalized or focal seizures, persistent severe EEG abnormalities, and cognitive dysfunction or decline.
Severe Hemiplegic Migraines (SHMs) are distinct from classic or familial hemiplegic migraines. SHMs include migraine with aura where the aura consists of weakness of the face, arm, and/or leg, but SHMs can also be progressive and result in uncontrolled seizures and/or potentially life-threatening brain swelling. During an SHM, alteration in consciousness can occur and the one-sided weakness becomes evident after seizures are controlled. Individuals susceptible to SHMs may also have symptoms in between attacks, including delayed development, balance difficulty, and abnormal eye movements (nystagmus or paroxysmal tonic upgaze).
About the Facilitator: My name is Shanna Tolbert and my husband, Terry, and I live just outside of Atlanta with our girls, Ireland (7) and Brooke (3). Ireland has a CACNA1A variant that causes DEE (Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy), ataxia, autism and severe hemiplegic migraines. I have found "my tribe" among other CACNA1A-related DEE moms who have supported us through hospital stays, medication changes, the trauma of severe events and the challenges of daily life. I'm thankful for the opportunity to facilitate supportive connections during our support meetings with other parents who truly get it.
Youth Support Group
(ages 14-18 years)
Join Us: Stay tuned (leader needed!)
Group Description: If you are between the ages of 14 and 18 years and are living with a CACNA1A-related disorder, this group is for you. It will include some short structured activities along with time for socializing, support, and building friendships.
Community Crew (formerly Grandparents & Extended Relatives Group)
Join Us:
March 23, 2025 @3;00 pm ET
Group Description: Grandparents and other relatives are significant, yet often overlooked, members of the family support network. Many have the gift of time and the resources to provide much-needed respite for caregivers and are eager to spend precious time with their grandchildren. This group offers a tremendous opportunity for grandparents and other relatives (aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, etc.) to connect and share strategies for supporting loved ones affected by CACNA1A. Additionally, we aim to provide emotional support to each other and share ideas for utilizing our talents to further the mission of the CACNA1A Foundation. We hope you will join us! If you are a parent of a child with CACNA1A and think members of your extended family would be interested in this group, please send them the link so they can sign up.
About the Facilitator: Hi, I am Theresa Spong. I live just outside of Austin, Texas. I am the GiGi of a beautiful 2-year-old diagnosed with CACNA1A. We are very blessed to live close to our granddaughter and are able to help support our daughter and her family in so many ways. I wanted to create a Grandparents & Extended Relatives Group for the CACNA1A community to help connect with other grandparents and extended relatives who support our CACNA1A Champions.
Guidelines for CACNA1A Community Conversations
As patients, parents, caregivers and family members, we like to say that we are STRONGER TOGETHER! We hope you will rely on one another for support, encouragement, understanding and wisdom. In doing so, we ask that you please adhere to the following guidelines:
This is an inclusive space where we value all perspectives, ideas and backgrounds. Please show compassion and kindness, and be respectful and accepting of each other.
Unless you are a medical professional, do not offer medical advice.
Participants may be sharing private information. Please maintain the utmost respect for confidentiality.